Thursday, 12 December 2024
Поверхность ТВ Поверхность ТВ
ukr | eng Thursday, 12 December 2024  

Direct advertisements

We exclusively distribute advertising in broadcasts and self-produced programs on the national channels. The most popular cycles are:

«Boxing for real» (weekly on the channel «Studio «1+1» since 2000)  (the presentation, PowerPoint, 1.2M) (in the format «Office 2007» - .pptx 390K)

The previous list of the fights which is planned for broadcast in the nearest future you may see on this link.


The presentation at the format *.ppt
PowerPoint MS Office 97-2003

The presentation at the format *.pptx
PowerPoint MS Office 2007 


download (192 Kb)

download (79 Kb)

The most prestigious club tournament of the Europe Champions Legue UEFA matches broadcasting (since 1996 «Poverkhnost TV» is official UEFA Partner.) (the presentation, PowerPoint, 1.5M) (in the format «Office 2007» - .pptx 460K)

Working with us means that your ads are played during the programs. This means that the audience pays equal attention to the ads as to the program.

The audience of our unique sport events - mostly men of ambition, which is credit worthy, aged 25-55.

Get to know the terms and conditions of advertisement positioning in the program (document Word, 380K) (in the format «Office 2007» - .docx 360K)

The most effective instrument of communicational strategy is advertising on cable and satellite “niche” or “thematic” channels. It is characterized by the high efficiency of achievement of the target audience together with low value, which makes advertising contacts open practically for representatives of all kinds and dimensions of business. An advertising campaign can be planned both separately and of strengthening of “weight” of the campaign on FTA-channels.


Broadcasting of our self-produced channel “SPORT 1” for more than one year has shown the high interest of the Ukrainian audience to exclusive broadcasts of the word-wide and Ukrainian sport events. Today there are more than 50 cable operators subscribers, which cover more than 1 million Ukrainian viewers.


You may find more detailed information about the Sport 1 content at this link.


The presentation at the format *.ppt
PowerPoint MS Office 97-2003

The presentation at the format *.pptx
PowerPoint MS Office 2007 


завантажити (3,40 Мб)

завантажити (867 Кб)


download  (3,42 Mb)

download  (869 Kb)

Get to know the terms and conditions of advertisement positioning at the Sport 1 and Sport 2 channels you can at the link below.


The presentation at the format *.xls
      Excel MS Office 97-2003      

The presentation at the format *.pptx
          Excel MS Office 2007         


  download (105 Kb)  

  download (72 Kb)    



The channels of "Poverkhnost TV" broadcasts the Premier League

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